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this is us

I'd love to sit and type a paragraph about my life and how this little family came together, but let's be real, you'll never want to sit and read that. 

Instead, here are 10 facts that sum it up:


  1. My name is Daphne Franklin

  2. Married to Colton Franklin

  3. Mama to Arlynn Franklin

  4. I love to bake

  5. I love crafting

  6. I'm game for any outdoor adventure

  7. My little family is my world

  8. I use a planner religously

  9. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

  10. Born in Louisiana, but call Texas home


My goal is to build something for myself and my family. I'm not quite sure what that something is but hey, ya gotta start somewhere right? I can't wait to see where this road takes me. 


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