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i lost my job

"You're being laid off."

That's what I heard on April 2nd, 2020. I was calm. I was kind. I gathered my things from my desk and wished my boss the best on my way out. As I got into my car to drive back home, it started to sink in. I didn't cry. I didn't scream. I just felt...shocked. How does this happen? I mean I work.....well worked.....for a multi-billion dollar company that is utilized by millions of businesses. I was categorized as an "essential" employee. How can I be laid off?

"Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic...."




That was ringing through my head. We hear it tens even hundreds of times a day. It's the fad we never wanted and the front page of every newspaper. It’s wreaking havoc on every aspect of our lives. As I drove home I let a few people in on what was going on and let my co-workers know that I would miss them. I got home and all the shock, all the frustration melted away. I looked at my husband and my sweet girl and nothing else mattered but the people within the four walls of my home. As the days have passed I have reflected on what happened. I’ve prayed. I’ve thanked God for the blessing I have and I have chosen to take this time as an opportunity rather than a problem. You see, I have always been a “go getter.” Pretty sure I get that from my Dad. I love to fix problems and I love to feel like what I’m doing means something. So I got to thinking…what next.

What do I do now?

How do I continue to better myself and do something that is both meaningful and beneficial for both others and my family.

I’ll admit it, I don’t want to go back to a regular 9-5 job. I don’t want to have to clock out of motherhood to clock into career mode. I want to somehow combine to two. That’s the dream right? Work from home…be the rock star mom…be a good wife.


Go ahead and tell me it isn’t possible.

Go ahead and tell me about how bad the economy is. Tell me that this virus is killing the hope I have of creating a business for myself.

Go ahead and tell me I can’t.

I’ll show you that I can.

That’s what I do. That’s what I thrive on. The nay-sayers and the pessismists of the world fuel me.

I want to do the impossible. I want to create beauty from the ugly. I want to be in control of every aspect of my success.

So here I go….

I don’t know what it’s going to be yet. I don’t have a plan. But I have a big dream and an even bigger desire to make it happen. If you want to follow along on this…..I don’t want to say journey, that sounds cheesy….if you want to follow along on this un-mapped road I’m about to navigate, then stick around. Things are bound to get interesting and weird.


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