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What's in Arlynn's Easter "basket"?

To shop Arlynn's basket:


Ok so before you start to judge me for the ridiculous amount of presents she's getting please remember two things:

1. We have been self-quarantined for weeks now. Online shopping has always been a problem for me and having an adorable baby doesn't help

2. This is her very first Easter and I wanted it to be so special

Alright, now that I've made excuses you won't buy into we can move past it right? (this is also what I tell my husband as he rolls his eyes and laughs at me)

So let's dive into the what she's getting and why. I've done my best to link everything. (some will vary in color). If it isn't linked it was no longer available.

Let’s go ahead get the little things that are pretty self explanatory out of the way. She's got an Easter dress, easter bunny stuffed animal, and some of her favorite treats. Each of her little eggs will be filled with Gerber Puffs or Gerber Yogurt Melts just to make it a little more fun.

If you've got little ones you know that they like to play with a toy for about 5 minutes and then move on to the next one. We really attempt to rotate Arlynn's toys out on a regular basis so she never gets bored. (a parents dream right)

The biggest chunk of her Easter is books. We read together all the time and there's only so many times I can read The Very Hungry Caterpillar before I turn into the very annoyed mama.

When you take a look at some of the fun things she got, they may look a little advanced for a 6 month old and they are. Here's why:

1. I would rather invest in toys that will be around for a while. Sure she may not know how to do a puzzle or fit shapes into a block, but you can bet your bottom dollar that she will love holding, throwing and chewing on them in the meantime.

2. Baby toys are great, she's getting a taggies toy that crinkles and a dino teething egg, but for the most part they are SOOOOO basic. I love that these toys will be fun for her now but also challenge her. I truly feel like her being able to explore these and figure them out will be nothing but beneficial for her. Sure she will get frustrated at times, but with mama and daddy's help she will understand them so quickly.

3. I don't mean to brag (just kidding I totally do because I'm a proud mama), but Arlynn is pretty advanced for her age. She's talking and understands so much more than I feel like she should at her age. I'm all about encouraging that.

All the fun aside, Arlynn gets something for Easter that tops all the gifts and treats the Easter can bring, the gift of eternal life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the real reason we celebrate this day.

Our Easter Sunday will consist of a visit from the Easter bunny, an online worship service, and lots of quality family time and yummy treats.

Happy Easter y'all.

If you want to join us for church we would love to have you. Check this link to tune into our churches YouTube channel (:


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